Daniel Bonevac. The Analytic Tradition

Курс по истории аналитической философии. От логико-философских идей Г. Фреге до скептического решения С. Крипке.
На английском языке.

This course introduces analytic philosophy, the primary style of doing philosophy since roughly 1900 in the English-speaking world. We will examine some of the key thinkers and texts in that tradition and evaluate their arguments and theories. Analytic philosophy focuses on themes and methods with a long philosophical history: Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Leibniz, Locke, Hume, Bentham, and Mill are all in a sense analytic philosophers. But the contemporary analytic tradition began with a rebellion against the idealism of Kant, Hegel, and other thinkers, which had dominated the 19th century. Gottlob Frege, a German mathematician, began the attack, using logical tools to undermine idealist accounts of mathematics, language, and logic while posing new philosophical puzzles. G. E. Moore, Bertrand Russell, and Alfred North Whitehead soon joined the attack, as did Ludwig Wittgenstein and the philosophers of the Vienna and Berlin Circles. Moore and Russell defended realism, the view that some things are independent of mind, and developed comprehensive philosophical views. The Vienna Circle, in contrast, tended to think of philosophical problems as arising from misuses of language, and saw the analysis of language as the key to their solution. They took scientific language as their model. Hume was their hero. Metaphysics became a bad word, and epistemology became the philosophy of science. Ethics sank into disrepute. Around mid-century, a group of philosophers centered at Oxford focused instead on natural language, and developed philosophical perspectives granting it center stage. Around the same time, Carl Hempel recounted the difficulties the philosophers of the Vienna Circle faced in making their ideas about meaningfulness precise. W. V. O. Quine began his attack on the central theses that Moore, Russell, and Vienna Circle thinkers shared. Wilfrid Sellars launched a more general assault against their atomism. Wittgenstein dramatically reshaped his earlier views on language. Saul Kripke and David Lewis, finally, introduced ways of understanding necessity and normativity that brought basic questions of metaphysics back to the fore.

1.Philosophy in One Lecture

2. Analytic Philosophy: Frege

3. Frege on Sense and Reference

4. Russell on Denoting

5. Russell on Denoting, Part 2

6. Russell's Logical Atomism

7. Russell on Belief and Ontology

8. Wittgenstein's Tractatus 

9. Logical Empiricism: Criteria and Protocol Sentences 

10. Ayer's Criteria of Verification 

11. Gilbert Ryle, Systematically Misleading Expressions 

12. Carnap and Ryle on Dispositions 

13. Quine's Logistical Approach to Ontology 

14. Quine on What There Is 

15. Quine's Ontology 

16. Quine on Analyticity and Other Dogmas 

17. Quine on Carnap on Logical Truth 

18. Quine on Truth by Convention 

19. Carnap on Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology 

20. Sellars on Foundationalism 

21. Sellars on the Logic of Looks 

22. Sellars on the Inconsistent Triad 

23. Sellars and the Framework of Thoughts 

24. Quine on Modality 

25. Quine on Quantifying In 

26. Quine on the Indeterminacy of Translation 

27. Kripke on the Descriptive Theory of Names 

28. Kripke and the Causal Picture of Names 

29. Kripke on Rigid Designators 

30. Gareth Evans on the Causal Theory 

31. Kripke on Essential Properties 

32. Kripke on the Wittgensteinian Paradox 

33. Kripke and the Skeptical Solution 

34. Kripke on Wittgenstein on Forms of Life 

35. Blackburn on the Skeptical Solution


 Лекция 1.  Philosophy in One Lecture

 Лекция 2. Analytic Philosophy: Frege


 Лекция 3. Frege on Sense and Reference


 Лекция 4. Russell on Denoting


 Лекция 5. Russell on Denoting, Part 2


 Лекция 6. Russell's Logical Atomism


 Лекция 7. Russell on Belief and Ontology


 Лекция 8. Wittgenstein's Tractatus


 Лекция 9. Logical Empiricism: Criteria and Protocol Sentences


 Лекция 10. Ayer's Criteria of Verification


 Лекция 11. Gilbert Ryle, Systematically Misleading Expressions


 Лекция 12. Carnap and Ryle on Dispositions


 Лекция 13. Quine's Logistical Approach to Ontology


 Лекция 14. Quine on What There Is


 Лекция 15. Quine's Ontology


 Лекция 16. Quine on Analyticity and Other Dogmas


 Лекция 17. Quine on Carnap on Logical Truth


 Лекция 18. Quine on Truth by Convention


 Лекция 19. Carnap on Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology


Лекция 20. Sellars on Foundationalism


Лекция 21. Sellars on the Logic of Looks


Лекция 22. Sellars on the Inconsistent Triad


Лекция 23. Sellars and the Framework of Thoughts


Лекция 24. Quine on Modality


Лекция 25. Quine on Quantifying In


Лекция 26. Quine on the Indeterminacy of Translation

Лекция 27. Kripke on the Descriptive Theory of Names


Лекция 28. Kripke and the Causal Picture of Names


Лекция 29. Kripke on Rigid Designators


Лекция 30. Gareth Evans on the Causal Theory


Лекция 31. Kripke on Essential Properties


Лекция 32. Kripke on the Wittgensteinian Paradox

Лекция 33. Kripke and the Skeptical Solution

Лекция 34. Kripke on Wittgenstein on Forms of Life

Лекция 35. Blackburn on the Skeptical Solution

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